You are invited to attend the first Professional Development webinar sponsored by the AECT Research & Theory Division!
Dr. David Merrill
Instructional Effectiveness Consultant & Professor Emeritus at Utah State University
October 17, 2013 at 1:30 P.M. (EDT)
Registration Link:
My Hopes for the Future of Instructional Technology
This short paper presents reasons for three hopes for the future. First, it is time to move the training of instructional designers to the undergraduate level. Second, I hope that graduate programs in instructional technology will emphasize both the science of instruction — including theory development and research — and the technology of instruction, including using principles, models and theories derived from research as a foundation for designing instructional design tools that can be used to design instruction that is more effective, efficient and engaging. Third, it is time to restructure master’s programs to prepare students to manage designers-by-assignment (DBA) and to prepare them in designing instructional design tools that would enable DBA to produce more effective, efficient and engaging instructional materials.
Enilda Romero-Hall, Ph.D.
Min Kyu Kim, Ph.D.
Research & Theory Division Professional Development Facilitators